Rezidence zvon tituální foto

Rezidence Zvon in Znojmo

Are you going to visit South Moravia? Are you looking for accommodation in Znojmo? Then we will be happy to welcome you in the newly renovated Rezidence Zvon, which is located in the historical center of Znojmo. We offer accommodation with magnificent views of the castle and the local rotunda. Our residence is open all year round, so you can visit us from spring to winter. The history of the Rezidence Zvon dates back to 1796, and thanks to the historical environment in which it is located, you will find an unforgettable atmosphere every time you visit.

We offer accommodation in double, three and four-bed rooms, luxuriously equipped rooms with private bathrooms. There is a possibility of internet connection in the whole area completely free of charge. For visitors we have parking directly in front of the guesthouse, for cyclists we offer the opportunity to store bicycles. The price of accommodation also includes a breakfast buffet or breakfast packages of the guest's choice.

Rezidence Zvon is located in the Podyjí National Park and its location, as well as the close proximity of Austria, directly encourages visitors to discover the local beauties, both hiking and cycling. Residence Zvon is ideal for both active holidays and romantic weekends. We will be happy to advise you on which of the surrounding sights are definitely worth a visit, and since we are located in a wine-related region, we also offer services for wine lovers - we can arrange visits to wine cellars or vineyards, you can also enjoy guided and unguided wine tasting or see how the wine-making process works.

If you want to enjoy a beautiful holiday in the heart of South Moravia, do not hesitate to visit the Rezidence Zvon in the center of Znojmo.

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